Thursday, April 30, 2009

romantic roses!

oh, so much fun dressing up. pretending to be from another time or place, or just a different person altogether. a sort of escape from my everyday, and same 'ol same 'ol. everything from the inspiration to the preparation, the execution to the strutting your stuff. you feel elevated, confident, on another level. no one can put u down cause u know u look good, or at least u know u feel good and nothing else matters.

i was going for a classic look, maybe a 1950's pin-up style. the night before i set my hair in pin curls, slightly tighter for an extra curly look in the back, and regular on top for that large loose curl in the bang area. when i woke, i took it all down, and massaged my scalp to loosen the curls. after it was all big and voluptuous, i took my bobby pins and placed the hair toward the back, sort of with a modern faux-hawk touch, except curly and fabulous. i took the loose curls on top and kept it in a loose pin-curl, to add some style. i then added two gorgeous purple roses in the front right side of my head, cause i feel my "good side" is my left, so i try not to cover it.

the make-up was cool, subtle pinks and purples, with some roses drawn by hand. it was fun for sure. and of course, no look is truly fab without adding some false eyelashes, yum. i even found some time to make the same rose pattern on my arm throughout the day, gosh i love my job. seeing art on my forearm makes me crave getting the tattoos that i've always wanted. but, that is a whole other post.

the entire day i walked tall, and all of my customers were in love with the look, some people on the street were like, o-k, but who cares, they just are not used to it. especially cause i took the baby for a walk in sugarland town square plaza, and the folks out there are kinda conservative. the hubbs is used to it and just smiles and tells me i look nice, and fancy.

i had a great time with this look for sure, and now with the baby it will take a bit more planning to make it happen, but i promise the world and myself to get dressed up at least once or twice a week. so look i forward to writing about my adventures in dress-up land.

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